Come join us in our Sit 'n Knit rooms!
Available during our regular hours:
Wednesday thru Saturday, 11 a.m. till 4 p.m.
These rooms are the heart of our ministry. This is where classes are held, friends are made, friends meet to laugh, and community is built. We encourage one another when stitches get tight or dropped and celebrate the small moments in life.

These friendships are what makes our ministry. Through encouragement and celebration, the donations that fill our chest are created and prayed over before they are sent around the world. As those items are handed out, people and children in other countries are given a gift of love.

The inside Sit-n-Knit is nestled right in the middle of things and, when the weather is nice, our TWO other Sit-n-Knit Rooms are available as well! One is located in our "backyard" and Peggy's Porch is in the "front yard". Y'all are welcome to join us, and if you have a large group, just call and set up a time to come join us!